Your guide to the best healthy sleep habits


Your guide to the best healthy sleep habits

You can avoid fluctuating in bed, insomnia and waking up in a bad mood by adopting healthy daily habits that help you sleep soundly.



The human body requires a good night's sleep, as we can liken sleep as a process of recharging the body's energy and activity, and it may be difficult to sleep during the night hours sometimes, due to the pressure of the work schedule and obligations, as well as mental and physical stress. There are some things that prevent an individual from getting the required hours of healthy sleep, which should be immediately Limited for reasons that we will mention later.


In this article, we put in your hands a number of tips and matters related to healthy sleep in order to achieve an active and energetic lifestyle.


What are the benefits of sleep ?

Sleep time is wasted in our accelerated world, as sleep has become something that is easy to refrain from for as long as possible, because our list of priorities is centered around work, housework, social time and entertainment. However, sleep hours should not be reduced or refrained from, because sleep is simply important for the safety of your physical and mental health, just like your body needs food and water.

Healthy sleep is a prerequisite for starting your day with greater activity, vitality and productivity

The body's need for sleep is one of the most important components of the health of all body organs, as sleep works to achieve a number of important things, including:


Maintaining the main functions of the body

Energy recovery

Muscle tissue repair

Processing new information in the brain

When the body does not get enough sleep or expose yourself to sleep deprivation, several mental and physical problems occur, including:


Difficulty thinking clearly

Loss of concentration

Difficulty dealing with life matters

Lack of control over emotions

Chronic lack of sleep has been shown to increase the risk of serious health conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression, and too little sleep can affect your immune


How many hours are needed for a healthy sleep !

Sleep habits and the number of hours needed to follow a healthy sleep pattern change and vary with age, the older a person gets, the fewer hours of sleep an individual takes to get enough rest.


If you would like to know how many hours are needed in order to get the benefits of healthy sleep, we list them below:


From 6 to 13 years: 11 hours

From 14 to 17 years: from 8 to 10 hours

From 18 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours

As for children, their physical needs in terms of sleep hours exceed adults, and children may not have to sleep for long hours at once, but healthy sleep hours are also counted from nap times.


As for the number of hours of sleep for children, they are:

You can find out the right time to sleep through the OK sleep time calculator, and find out the most appropriate time to wake up according to healthy sleep cycles using the wake up time calculator.


The body of children or adults may not require the number of hours mentioned above completely, because some factors affect the amount of sleep that the human body needs, including genetic factors, as genes can play an important role in the amount of sleep needed to restore the body's energy.


In addition, people who get a good continuous sleep without waking up may need less sleep per day, compared to people who wake up several times during sleep hours or have difficulty falling asleep continuously without interruption.


In addition to age and genetic factors, many things affect the number of hours of sleep that each person needs for each other, and the most prominent of these are the following:


Sleep quality: people whose sleep is interrupted do not get the full benefits of healthy sleep, since sleep quality is as important as the number of hours of sleep

Pregnancy: frequent changes in hormone levels cause a decrease in the quality and number of hours of sleep per day

Getting older: older people need the same amount as younger people, and sometimes sleep patterns vary with age

Fetal position

This position is the most common among people, especially women, and this position is one of the health positions for a number of benefits, the most prominent of which are the following:


Return the spine to a normal position

For a pregnant woman, this position improves the flow of blood circulation to the fetus and also relieves fetal pressure on the liver

It is worth noting that the fetal position may cause pressure on the lungs and diaphragm, so it is advisable to stretch the body from time to time.


 Sleeping position on the side

If you want to get all the benefits of healthy sleep, this position is one of the most important health positions, as sleeping on the side of the body while keeping your back straight helps reduce the problem of sleep apnea and reduce neck and back problems, and you can also put a soft pillow between the feet to reduce pressure on the pelvic area.


Free fall posture

This position focuses on sleeping on the stomach with the hands under the pillow or next to your head, and it is one of the unhealthy positions because it causes pain in the back or neck area.


Soldier's pose

This position is represented by sleeping on the back with the hands on the sides of the body, and it is one of the unhealthy positions because it is one of the most prominent causes of snoring and carotid artery diseases.


Sleep on the tummy

They are considered the worst sleeping positions, because they cause many negative side effects; such as straining the spine, neck, shoulders and lower back, and also increase the incidence of heartburn. Sleeping on the tummy is also associated with the appearance of premature wrinkles.

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