Games that increase the child's confidence in himself and his abilities

 Games that increase the child's confidence in himself and his abilities 


As a mother, you want nothing more than to see your child successful and happy. Self-confidence is a big part of reaching this goal. When your child is confident in himself, he can form healthy relationships and achieve more success. So in this article we will review games that increase the child's self-confidence and tips for you to reduce the child's self-reduction. 


Before getting acquainted with toys that increase the child's self-confidence, you must first find out what are the reasons that lead to him feeling low self-esteem. 


Building confidence in the early years is essential to prepare your child for a happy life. When your child is young, instilling a strong sense of self-confidence can help him better overcome the challenges of adolescence and beyond. 


A child's confidence or self-esteem is what a child feels about himself, it is possible that in most children these qualities regress. This often happens when they are going through different stages or challenges in life.   

In addition, other things such as starting a new school, moving to a new home or making changes in the family can affect the child's self-confidence, but there are many means that can alleviate this feeling such as parents supporting him or playing games that increase his self-confidence. 


The child's lack of self-confidence or self-esteem manifests itself in many images such as: 


Having a negative image of himself, he may feel ugly, bad, stupid, or unloved. 

He finds it difficult to make and maintain friends. 

He always feels like a victim of others. 

He feels lonely and isolated. 

He tends to avoid new things and finds it difficult to change. 

He can not cope with failures well. 

He tends to belittle himself and has low respect for her. 

He is not proud of what he achieves and always thinks that he is falling short. 

All due to some reasons, including: 


Compare himself with others in a negative way. 

Constant feeling of incompetence. 

Increase the pressure on him. 

Perceive him as rejected by others. 

Games increase the child's self-confidence 

It is always not easy to gain a child's self-confidence, he can be discouraged by failures and negative words from others, which makes it difficult to see their good qualities. 

Your child cannot be protected from this, but he can be helped to gain self-esteem by playing games that increase the child's self-confidence, as follows:  


1. Exercise I'm afraid but..

Fear is a human emotion, and your child is not safe from being exposed to it. So you can increase your child's self-confidence by: 


Get your child to write about his fears, and then encourage him to write down all the positive alternatives to these fears. By writing I'm afraid but.... With the writing of the alternative solution that he sees. 


2. Drawing a self-portrait 

Many children enjoy arts and crafts, and you can use their creativity to help boost their confidence. So make your child draw a picture of himself, and then ask him to write down the adjectives that describe him and describe the drawing, this further develops his language skills. This activity can also be shared with others. 


3. Imaginative play 

Personifying a character is a great way to help develop your child's confidence. Whether your child wants to be a pirate, a superhero, or just trying an act that he likes or has in mind, pretend play is a great way to expand your child's mind. 


It also promotes a very important part of healthy self-esteem. When your child is engaged in imaginative play, ask him what he imagines. Then have a conversation about the positive traits of this person, how he sees him and why he likes him. When a child understands that he already has the good characteristics of a person he admires, it helps to develop his self-confidence. 


4. Learn independence 

You can instill confidence in your child by encouraging him to exercise independence. Before you go on a family trip, ask your child to prepare his own luggage and bag. It makes him feel independent and self-reliant. 


5. Inventing recipes 

Help your child see mistakes as learning opportunities, encourage your child to make mistakes and advise him to learn from them. You can ask your child to create a special recipe with a list of ingredients and the quantities of each ingredient. Supervise your child while he is making this recipe, but don't interfere, even if he adds something unusual to the recipe. 


6. Useful routine work 

Doing a constant routine can be a big responsibility, in order to strengthen your child's confidence in his ability to take care of his environment, ask him to do a special useful routine. Make him responsible for watering plants or other useful activities, and then praise him for good behavior. 


7. Problem solving 

Give your child an open challenge and let him brainstorm solutions. One of the great exercises is to give your child various items from the recycling bin, such as: cans, cardboard, glass jars and use them to build a boat.  


Tips for building a child's self-confidence 

In addition to playing games that increase the child's self-confidence, there are a number of tips for you to adopt and strengthen your child's self-confidence, these tips are as follows: 


Encourage your child to pursue hobbies even if you don't understand them. 

Professional help is also necessary in addition to playing games that increase the child's self-confidence and applying the above tips, as the child's lack of confidence affects his performance at school and his ability to learn by talking to your child's teacher to help the child: 


Connect your child with a friend or one of his peers and strengthen the relationship with him. 

Find a way to make him feel more part of the school community. 

Think of ways in which he can organize rest times if he finds this difficult. 

He was offered to take on a new activity, role or responsibility. 

Finally, playing games that increase the child's self-confidence and some of the guidelines that you do as a mother are the first way to your child's success and increase his self-esteem. 

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