How to overcome the feeling of fatigue at work with an effective experience


How to overcome the feeling of fatigue at work with an effective experience


If you feel that the tasks you have to perform are many, and that you are overwhelmed at work, we have all had this dreary experience before, we will discuss in this article What to do when you feel overwhelmed at work, you are afraid of the beginning of the week; so you set the alarm early; so you can press the snooze button many times, and when you finally get out of bed, you have no energy and do not want to talk to anyone.

You spend the whole week waiting for the weekend, and when the holiday comes, unfortunately, you need the whole first day to recover from the effects of the working week, while the second day is gloomy; this is because the day before the start of the working week, so why is the work so hard And why do you feel that you are not able to withstand

Feeling overwhelmed at work does not only affect your work week; it can affect all aspects of your life, and fortunately, there is a way to put an end to this fatigue, and prevent it from getting again in the future, here are 15 steps to prioritize your tasks, increase productivity, protect your time and stop feeling overwhelmed at work:


1. Set aside time to review tasks and commitments:

Organize your workspace. before starting work, take some time to arrange and organize your workspace.organizing a table and desk makes a great contribution to organizing ideas and increasing productivity. now that you have arranged the working atmosphere around you, the next step to stop feeling overwhelmed at work is to take a break and review your existing tasks.


Once the feeling of fatigue begins, it is difficult to keep looking at things objectively, and you may feel that the tasks are more worrying than they really are, give yourself at least one hour of rest, but you may need more depending on the amount of work and responsibilities you need to do

2. Create a to-do list:

Once you have set aside time to sit away from distractions, start writing down all the tasks and projects that you need to work on, without occupying your mind with arranging them in a certain order, the goal here is to write down everything that you are trying to deal with and keep track of.

What if you are so confused that you feel with her that such a task needs a lot of work

If it seems that this task requires a lot of time, just mark each item with whether it is a high priority, medium-level priority or low priority, it's easier to use three different colors to distinguish each level of importance, and then you can easily sort your tasks for the next step.

What if you feel that everything is a top priority

Start by asking yourself, ' is the task urgent or important?' Urgent tasks are those that cost the company or other team members time and money if they are not completed first, however, tasks whose deadline is approaching, but do not cost the client, company or team members time and money can be arranged according to the speed with which these tasks are to be completed.

3. Order of tasks falling under categories A and B by priority:


Now that you have defined your tasks and assigned the level of importance to each task, it is not the right time to go ahead and start dealing with the first thing you would like to work on, instead, continue to sort out the entire list of tasks and establish a clear order of priorities, review your A tasks first, arrange them by importance and deadline, and after that, repeat this process with your B tasks.

4. Start with the highest priority task and break it down into actionable steps:

At this stage, you finally have a list that includes the entire task in order of priority, which you need to allocate time to complete, and now it's time to determine exactly how you will handle each task, start with the most important task for you and break it down into the exact work steps necessary to complete it, and repeat this process for each task, this is important; this is because you can now adjust your schedule and determine the appropriate amount of time for each task.


5. Set a time in your day to complete each actionable step:

Set aside an hour every day free of distractions to carry out the work steps, in each of these hours, focus on one step, ignore all other distractions, such as email, phone and coworkers, focus on one actionable step at a time, keep in mind that multitasking is not useful, working hard is what will help you get through your steps during part of the time you needed to complete them.

6. Start each morning by reviewing your most important tasks of the day:

You have already taken the time to create a prioritized to-do list, and then divided these tasks into the necessary doable steps to complete each task, and, most likely, your priorities will change and evolve as some tasks are completed and new ones are added.


To prevent fatigue from taking over you in the first place, start each working day by reviewing your currently prioritized tasks, break each task down into actionable steps, and then set a time to complete those steps.this is a crucial step to stop feelings of fatigue and prevent them from accumulating again. develop a clear perception of what you need to focus on during the working day, and understand how this focused work will push you forward to achieve your goals.

7. Learn to say no:

Time is important, repeat this phrase several times until you start to believe it, it is necessary to invest your time, so you can focus on completing the work steps that you specify in your day without being busy with projects that do not need urgent attention, attend only the meetings that are absolutely necessary, make sure that they are organized and do not exceed the time limit, if your attendance is not necessary, ask for a summary after the meeting or ask someone else to attend instead of you, and avoid any new tasks or projects that absolutely do not require your immediate participation.

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