Types of child rearing and the impact of each type on your child


Types of child rearing and the impact of each type on your child


The type of upbringing you follow can affect your child's personality, how he feels about himself and how he treats others, too, and these influences will remain with him throughout his life. For this, it is important to make sure that the type of upbringing you pursue supports healthy growth and development, because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline him will affect him throughout his life. In this regard, the researchers identified four types of breeding:


Authoritarian or authoritarian upbringing.

Moderate upbringing.

Permissive upbringing.

Distant education.

Each style takes a different approach to raising children and can be determined by a number of different characteristics.


First: authoritarian or authoritarian child rearing

This type of pedagogical methods is characterized by giving absolute authority to parents. And parents who follow this type of upbringing with children:

They use packages, so that there is no room for discussion and dialogue.

They use punishment to execute orders.

They do not show their feelings to the child, do not take into account the feelings of their child.

They expect a lot

They see the achievements of children, with a lack of flexibility.

Lack of confidence in children to achieve anything positive.

If these qualities apply to you, then you are an authoritarian parent. It is also a method that does not allow children to participate in problem-solving challenges or obstacles. Instead, they set the rules and impose the consequences with little attention to the child's opinion.


Authoritarian parents may use punishments instead of discipline. So instead of teaching the child how to make better choices, they continue to make children feel sorry for their mistakes. Children who grow up with strict authoritarian parents tend to follow the rules more often, but such obedience to them has a

Second: moderate child rearing

In this method of moderate upbringing:

Parents make a lot of effort to create and maintain a positive relationship with their child, they explain the reasons behind special rules, impose rules with certain methods of discipline and take into account the feelings of their child.

Reliable parents have rules and use consequences, but they also take into account the opinions of their children.

They care about the feelings of their children, while also making it clear that adults are ultimately to blame.

Reliable parents also invest time and energy in preventing behavioral problems before they start. They use positive discipline strategies to promote positive behavior, such as praise and reward systems.

Researchers have found that children who grow up under a moderate upbringing system are more likely to become responsible adults who feel comfortable expressing their opinions. Children raised in this way also tend to be happy and successful. They are also likely to be good at making decisions and assessing safety risks on their own.

Third: permissive child rearing

Indulgence in raising children is to allow them to do what they like, while offering a minimum of guidance. Parents who take this pedagogical approach to the upbringing of their children are characterized by being closer to friends for their children than to parents. Parents who apply this pedagogical style are characterized by:


Lack of laws and regulations, and indifference to modifying or correcting the behavior of their children. They tend to leave their children to solve their problems on their own.

When there are laws and regulations that parents and children do not adhere to for a long time.

There is a high degree of dialogue and communication between these parents and their children, but they leave the decisions to the children and do not give them any guidance.

Such parents are distinguished by a high degree of kindness and tenderness for their children.

The expectations of parents applying this educational approach are few and almost non-existent.

These parents do not apply any punishment to their children, and there are rarely consequences if their children misbehave.

Children who grow up this way are more likely to have health problems, such as obesity, because parents are indulgent at Screen Time, eating fast food and sweets. Also, they are more prone to tooth decay because permissive parents often do not impose good habits, such as a child brushing his teeth.

Fourth: raising distant children

Children raised in this way are forced to rely on themselves for everything, and this develops in them a feeling of fear of dependence on others.

Children are less emotional and feel for others, as a result of not receiving enough love and kindness from their parents.

They also suffer from anxiety and stress disorders which may go as far as depression as well.

Children brought up with parents who are far from them tend to show bad behavior in adolescence, which can go as far as alcohol and Drug Abuse.

They also have problems in the academic, practical and emotional fields. They also suffer from the formation of long-term human bonds with others, so such children go through divorces when they grow up much more often than others.

Usually, parents ' distance from raising their children is caused by preoccupation with their other life responsibilities, or fear of going into this area because of their unwillingness to be parents and responsible for the life of their children, raising them and modifying their behavior. Or maybe they themselves were raised in this way when they were young, and they are not aware of the existence of any other educational method.

Sometimes parents don't fall into just one category of these pedagogical approaches, so don't despair if there are times or areas when you tend to be permissive and other times when you are more assertive. Because it is difficult to always remain consistent and balanced with your children. For this, do not feel guilty or ashamed. And remember, studies have proven that moderate child rearing is the best technique. But even if you tend to get to know other parenting styles more, there are steps you can take to become a moderate parent. With dedication and commitment to being the best parent you can be, you can maintain a positive relationship with your child while continuing to establish your authority in a healthy way. Over time, your child will reap the benefits of this.

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